Texas Holdem
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Welcome to Texas Holdem page offering Online Poker education for fun & profit. Poker Rules, Game Strategy, Tips and Tricks are the focus of this website.
For a complete overview of the Texas Hold em game visit our Learn About Poker pages. New players should start with poker rules page while advanced players can improve by reading poker articles. |
Titan Poker |
 Titan Online Poker
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Titan Poker in a relatively short time period has managed to muscle its way in, and complete with the biggest of poker rooms. It is part of the iPoker Network, Titan guarantees a good supply of players and just as importantly lots of "fish" (see Glossary). Play is loose due to the mixed crowd. You do have poker players but Titan also draws a casino crowd. Many of the casino players believe that poker is simply another form of gambling and such ignorance is clearly to our advantage.
There is a wide variety of game types and good levels of players at all tables with online numbers hitting the 55,000 mark at peak times. There is plenty of freerole and satellite opportunities with the key attraction being the multi million dollar European Championship. If you are starting out as a poker player this is a good place to start the journey.
Titan Poker Review in Detail. |
Party Poker |
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Party Poker is the leading poker provider worldwide with an excellent user interface. In addition to an upgraded player platform Party has a single account enabling play on either their poker or casino platforms with the one account. Party Poker is one of the most trusted poker rooms in the industry with a matching flawless reputation.
Party Poker offer a very good variety of card games, including Holdem Poker, 7Card Stud and Omaha Hi/Low. The Party welcome matching bonus for real money players is a huge $500. The extremely wide choice of tournaments is hard to beat by any other poker room and the table atmosphere is often tremendous.
Party Poker review in more detail. |
How to use Texas Holdem Odds Calculators in Online play |
This article focuses on poker strategy and the practical use of odds calculators in the online game.
Hopefully if you are reading this then you are already aware of the advantages offered by online odds calculators. If not, then here is a summary recap:
1) Mathematical calculations are performed automatically and leave your available brainpower free to concentrate on other aspects of the game such as table position, bluffing, opponents’ playing style etc.
2) Accurate mathematics aids playing discipline. If you know that you are playing starting hands less than say 50 in rank, and can see that statistically you are likely to be behind chasing cards then you are less likely to do it!
3) Education – the basis of poor poker play is a lack of discipline, education and often both. Most players underestimate the complexity of the game and while experience is something that can only come with time and effort, learning the mathematics of the game through exposure to calculations in this way is undoubtedly beneficial to the quality of your own play.
Stop chasing cards! Card discipline is the first benefit any odds calculator is likely to bring to your game. Do you play starting hands such as A9? Do you realise that it has a hand rank of 72 out of 169? I am constantly amazed at the number of people who play rather than fold marginal hands like this, and this hand in particular is a killer because if you pair your Ace then you are probably still behind. Take a look at our member survey of this question survey19.htm to see how many people play this and many other marginal hands badly. Odds calculators can therefore point out your game weaknesses and help you stem losses in addition to highlight when you are likely to be ahead.
Understanding and accepting that Texas Holdem is a very complex game where even in its online form a deep understanding of your opponent playing style, the value of Table Position play, and knowledge of how and when to bluff are essential elements to success will lead you to conclude that removing the complex mathematics to an automated aid has to be beneficial to all of the other facets of the game that must be monitored.
Highlighting outs that you may have overlooked. Given the number of variables that have to be assessed in any particular hand it is very easy to overlook straights, flushes and other potential hands for either yourself or your opponents. Overlooking opportunities presented by your own cards will happen from time to time, but seeing what your opponents could have and understanding the statistical likelihood of them catching big hands is difficult on your own. Complex Poker Odds Calculators such as HoldemPokerCalc are able to detail opponent odds for up to 9 opponents holding 18 cards you cannot see. |
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Poker News Articles
· Odds Calculators for Texas Holdem - In the world of online poker, as in so many fields, information is king. To be successful in poker you need to beware of the statistical reality of the game. The first and most shocking statistic i..... · The Psychology of Tilt - Recognising and coping with this poker problem - It does not matter how cool you think you are, all players are susceptible to and will be punished from time to time for going on Tilt. For the uninitiated "Tilt" is the descriptive used to explain ..... · Playing High Stakes No Limit Texas Holdem - Having played poker for many years, both online and offline, I continue to be surprised by the depth of the No-Limit game and the challenges / opportunities offered by high stakes play. First I must..... · The 13th Texas Holdem Poker $1000 Monthly Freeroll Tournament - Announcing the 13th Texas Holdem Poker $1000 monthly freeroll tournament. We are having a change of scene this month after 10 monthly $1000 freeroll tourneys held at Titan poker. This month's freerol..... · Final Table Play in Texas Holdem Tournaments - One of the best feelings you can get in an Online Poker game is making it to the Final Table of a major tournament. Whether you paid or made it to the end of a Freeroll, you know you are in the mone..... · Watched Poker on Television, now you want to play Texas Holdem online? - One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a prospective online poker player is to watch say the finals of the World Series of Poker (WSOP) on the television and dream of replicating Chris Moneymake..... · Online Poker - How it differs from Land Based Play - In recent years online poker and particularly the Texas Holdem variant of the game has come to dominate our television sets. I'm often asked to comment on the differences in play between online poke..... · Identify your opponent to maximise value at the Texas Holdem Poker Table - There are many types of Texas Holdem Poker player and of course many levels of experience between those players. Texas Holdem the card game is though similar to pushing spaghetti around a plate - so..... · Playing Ace King in Texas Holdem Poker - Ace King, otherwise known as "Big Slick" provides an interesting conundrum for many Texas Holdem Poker players. It's an exciting hand to be dealt because it gives you the expectation that you've won..... · Poker Tells - Signals you should read whenever you play Texas Holdem Poker - I've lost count of the number of times I've heard newcomers to the game say to me "how can you have a poker tell online?" Many believe success is due to the cards alone because you can't see your op..... |
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